Biochemical Laboratory
The Biochemical Laboratory of “Armenia” Medical Center was founded as a special subdivision in 1992. It’s almost 20 years the laboratory is filled with automated and half-automated high-tech analyzers Lisa-500, Humalyzer3500 (Human), Humaclot Duo (Human). The latter has wide possibility to perform all the 8 tests of coagulation.
Very recently the laboratory has received one more new analyzer - Biochemical Analyzer Cobas 311 of the company “Roche Diagnostics”. In an hour the analyzer provides 300 researches, 120 tests, high quality of reagents and control materials, performance of cito tests (in 10 minutes or less), high stability of reagents, and automated rarefaction of samples. The analyzer is controlled via an automated controller software which provides a high quality and reliability of the results.
All this won’t be possible to realize without the specialists who have years of experience, skillset and high qualification.